Fox News Poll Archive

See past Fox News Poll results as PDFs below: 2023March 24-27: Topline, Crosstabs (National) February 19-22: Topline, Crosstabs (National) January 27-30: Topline, Crosstabs (National) 2022December 9-12: Topline, Crosstabs (National) October…

Food pantries dry up as unemployment skyrockets

Skyrocketing unemployment due to the coronavirus pandemic has been forcing a growing number of Americans to turn to charitable services for assistance as food insecurity among families with children grows. Philanthropist and…

Fox News Poll Methodology Statement

Updated August 2021 Conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), the Fox News survey includes interviews with a nationally representative sample of…

Where in the World is FOX?

Help FNC! FOX News Channel is currently available internationally via the providers listed below. If you watch us on one of these signal providers, contact them and thank them for…

Where in the World is FOX?

Help FNC! FOX News Channel is currently available internationally via the providers listed below. If you watch us on one of these signal providers, contact them and thank them for… RSS Feeds

FOX offers free headlines for personal, non-commercial use via Really Simple Syndication ("RSS") (RSS 2.0). RSS is an XML-based format for easily sharing news headlines and summaries for use in… RSS Feeds

FOX offers free headlines for personal, non-commercial use via Really Simple Syndication ("RSS") (RSS 2.0). RSS is an XML-based format for easily sharing news headlines and summaries for use in…